Periodic Table

  1. 2. sodium is this kind of element
  2. 4. metals have a high ___ point
  3. 5. alkaline earth metals ___ in air
  4. 7. noble gasses are
  5. 9. alkali group 1 period 2
  6. 12. transition metals come from ___
  7. 15. neon is this kind of element
  8. 16. has a cream cheese texture
  9. 17. transition metal group 5 period 4
  1. 1. silicon is this kind of element
  2. 3. the first element found
  3. 4. majority of the elements are
  4. 6. are radioactive
  5. 8. are "rare earth metals"
  6. 10. better conductors than metals and nonmetals
  7. 11. nonmetals can ___ easily
  8. 13. nonmetals are
  9. 14. alkaline earth metal group 2 period 5
  10. 18. periods go