Periodic Table

  1. 3. Property of Lanthanides
  2. 5. Metals become positive ions called _____
  3. 6. Extremely soft
  4. 9. Property of metalloids
  5. 12. Property of Transition Metals
  6. 13. How many valence electrons are there in the element NA
  7. 14. Low density
  8. 18. Reacts violently with most nonmetals
  9. 22. Arranged elements in order of increasing atomic number
  10. 24. Most reactive nonmetals
  11. 25. Oderless
  12. 26. Property of Alkaline Earth Metals
  13. 27. Nonmetals______electrons
  14. 28. Property of metals
  15. 29. Property of nonmetals
  1. 1. Atoms with a charge
  2. 2. Property of Halogens
  3. 4. Property of Alkali Metals
  4. 7. Not found alone in nature
  5. 8. First person who developed a periodic table.
  6. 10. Most reactive nonmetals
  7. 11. Electrons in the highest energy level
  8. 15. Property of Actinides
  9. 16. Rare earth Metals
  10. 17. Shape can be easy or hard to change
  11. 19. Man made elements
  12. 20. Malleable and ductile
  13. 21. Property of Noble Gases
  14. 23. Metals ______electrons
  15. 29. He was a Russian chemist