Periodic Table

  1. 3. the rows of the periodic table
  2. 4. element commonly found in batteries
  3. 6. ___ metals; includes iron, nickel, copper
  4. 9. type of elements form a "staircase" separating metals from nonmetals
  5. 11. the lightest element
  6. 12. this element helps make strong bones
  7. 14. substance that consists of one type of atom
  8. 16. elements in the same row have the same number of these
  9. 20. the columns of the periodic table
  10. 22. atoms of an element with a charge
  11. 23. metal commonly used in electrical wiring
  12. 24. most common element in the atmosphere
  13. 25. elements in the same column have the same number of these
  14. 27. element found in salt
  15. 28. elements are organized by increasing number of these
  16. 29. the ___ table is a list of all of the elements
  1. 1. liquid metal at room temp
  2. 2. type of elements mostly found on the right side of the table
  3. 5. different forms of the same element
  4. 7. family of nonmetals that include helium, neon, argon
  5. 8. the ___ number determines the number of protons in an atom
  6. 10. the air we breathe
  7. 13. most of the elements on the table are ___
  8. 15. ___ metals; includes beryllium, magnesium, calcium
  9. 17. ___ metals; includes lithium, sodium, potassium
  10. 18. basic element for life
  11. 19. family of nonmetals that include fluorine, chlorine, bromine
  12. 21. common metal found in earth's crust; used to make steel
  13. 24. used in advertising signs, typically red in color
  14. 26. yellow gas used to treat swimming pools