Periodic Table

  1. 3. discovered in Paris
  2. 5. Prefix is Xe
  3. 6. Mr Machus favorite element
  4. 7. Prefix is Fe
  5. 10. Prefix is Ag
  6. 12. Named after Albert Einstein
  7. 13. Prefix is Au
  8. 15. Most radioactive metal
  9. 16. Used to make atomic bombs
  10. 17. Most reactive metal
  1. 1. Discovered in America
  2. 2. First element
  3. 4. Prefix has a k in it
  4. 6. Prefix is Hg
  5. 8. Has lowest melting point of all metals
  6. 9. Used in batteries
  7. 11. Least radioactive element
  8. 14. Densest element
  9. 17. Used in Chicago pile
  10. 18. Least reactive halogen