Periodic Table

  1. 2. Name for the vertical columns in the Periodic Table
  2. 4. Alkali metals are stored in these to prevent reaction with air and water
  3. 5. Pure substance containing only one type of atom
  4. 7. Group of highly stable gases
  5. 8. Reactivity as you go down the alkali metals
  6. 9. Name of group 7 elements
  7. 10. Reactivity as you go down group 7
  8. 11. The most reactive halogen
  9. 12. When are more reactive halogen replaces a less reactive halogen
  10. 16. The type of property that includes color, smell, freezing point, boiling point, melting point, opacity, viscosity, and density
  11. 17. Halogen which is solid at room temperature
  12. 18. element which as properties of both metals and non-metals
  1. 1. Element used in photographic film
  2. 3. Name of what you get when chlorine reacts with potassium
  3. 6. Noble gas used when advertising
  4. 8. Name of what you get when iron reacts with iodine
  5. 13. Element used to disinfect swimming pools
  6. 14. Noble gas used to fill the horizontal row in the periodic table
  7. 15. Name for the rows in the Periodic Table