Periodic table

  1. 1. Nature of oxide of metals.
  2. 6. charge Attractive force by nucleus.
  3. 7. triads Classification of elements with similar properties in group of three elements.
  4. 8. Elements in group 15.
  5. 11. Tendency of atom to attract shared pair of electron toward itself in covalently bonded molecule.
  6. 13. Trend of electronegativity on moving from left to right in periodic table.
  7. 16. They have highly negative value of electron gain enthalpy.
  8. 17. contains elements that have similar physical or chemical properties.
  9. 19. arrangement Elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic weights and represented in cylindrical table.
  10. 20. Mendeleev Inventor of modern periodic table.
  1. 2. Species that contain same number of electrons but different nuclear charge.
  2. 3. Elements in group 16.
  3. 4. metals gases or brittle solids at room temperature and poor conductors of heat and electricity.
  4. 5. element metals in group 3-12.
  5. 9. Positively charged species having smaller size than parent atom.
  6. 10. electronic configruation Property of nitrogen due to which it shows exception behavior with oxygen in regards of first ionization enthalpy.
  7. 12. Trend of Ionization enthalpy down the group.
  8. 14. effect Repulsion by inner core electrons to valence electrons.
  9. 15. transition elements Another name for f-block elements.
  10. 18. a row of elements in the periodic table whose properties change gradually and predictably.