Periodic table

  1. 2. is a flammable gas
  2. 4. looks like pale gold
  3. 6. included among the rare earth elements
  4. 7. hard grey metal
  5. 10. used in fireworks
  6. 11. important component of special steels and magnetic alloys.
  7. 14. rare in nature
  8. 16. a greyish white metal
  9. 17. is essential in bone, teeth and shells
  10. 18. used in stainless steels
  11. 20. used in flash bulbs
  1. 1. used to make alloy steels
  2. 3. decay product in uranium and thorium ores
  3. 5. used in water purification
  4. 8. It is used to make strong, light corrosion-resistant alloys
  5. 9. used as a material for construction and manufacturing
  6. 12. soft silver white reactive metal
  7. 13. used in the manufacture of fertilisers, soaps, and glass
  8. 15. soft silver white metal
  9. 19. symbol is rb