Periodic Table and Trends

  1. 2. The number of protons in one atom of an element.
  2. 5. A type of subatomic particle with a positive charge. Protons are bound together in an atom's nucleus as a result of the strong nuclear force.
  3. 7. An ion that has a positive charge.
  4. 8. Element that has properties of both metals and no metals, located along the "stair-step" of the periodic table.
  5. 9. when the atom loses or gains electrons to become negatively charged (anions) or positively charged (cations) ions.
  6. 10. Group 7A, 7 valence electrons in it's outermost energy level. Very reactive. Gain 1 electron to form negative ions.
  7. 14. Elements in group 8A of the periodic table and don't have a charge.
  8. 19. The energy needed to remove an electron from a negative ion to form a neutral atom or molecule.
  9. 21. Group 2A, 2 valence electrons in outer level. Lose 2 electrons to form positive ions.
  10. 22. The distance between the center of identical atoms.
  11. 24. An ion that has a negative charge.
  12. 25. A stable subatomic particle with a charge of negative electricity.
  13. 26. Atoms that have more electrons in their outer energy level and more protons in their nucleus.
  1. 1. A subatomic particle of about the same mass as a proton but without an electric charge, present in all atomic nuclei.
  2. 3. Is a chemical rule of thumb that reflects the theory, elements tend to bond in such a way that each atom has eight electrons being the same as a noble gas.
  3. 4. the relative capacity of an atom, molecule, to undergo a chemical reaction with another atom, molecule, or compound.
  4. 6. The procces of adding or removing electrons.
  5. 11. A vertical column of elements in the periodic table; elements in a group share chemical properties.
  6. 12. Group B of the periodic table, they are placed in the middle of the periodic table.
  7. 13. A horizontal row of elements in the periodic table.
  8. 15. a measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical compound to attract electrons.
  9. 16. An electron that is found in the outermost shell of an atom.
  10. 17. Element solid at room temperature, is not a malleable or ductile, is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Located on right side of periodic table.
  11. 18. The energy required to remove an electron from an atom or ion.
  12. 20. Group 1A, 1 valence electron in outer level, very reactive, shiny, low density.
  13. 23. Elements that are solid at room temperature; shiny, malleable, ductile; left side of the periodic table; conduct heat and electricity.