periodic table by maggie

  1. 4. property- property of matter that can be observed with out changing the composition of identity of matter.
  2. 5. any of a class of elementary substances as gold,silver or copper, all of which are crystalline.
  3. 7. a nonmetal that in combination with a metal forms an alloy.
  4. 8. element that gives off high energy rays or perticles.
  5. 11. table-a chart where all elements are organized into periods and groups according to there properties.
  6. 12. mass- in the average mass of an atom of that element.
  7. 14. each row of elements in the periodic table.
  8. 15. an element not having the character of a metals as carbon or nitrogen.
  9. 16. –amount of mass in a given volume of a substance or object found by dividing the mass of the object by its volume.
  10. 17. going up and down the periodic table.
  1. 1. each column in the periodic table.
  2. 2. gases- group of elements in the periodic table that generally do not react with other elements.
  3. 3. something to do with noble gases.
  4. 6. the large number 3 in front of the H.
  5. 9. a mixture of two or more elements.
  6. 10. simplest form of matter.
  7. 13. reaction- Takes place when one or more substances changes to form one.