Periodic Table Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. earth metals/ (known as group IIA) A family of the Periodic table that has properties including low electron affinities, two electrons in the outer shell, and being quite reactive
  2. 7. An element's most common name
  3. 9. A family of the Periodic table that possess the characteristics of both Metals and Nonmetals
  4. 11. A family of the Periodic table that contains properties like having high melting and boiling points, being silver colored, and being very reactive
  5. 14. table/ An array of chemical elements in order of increasing atomic number
  6. 15. I. mendeleyev/ "Father" of the Periodic Table
  7. 16. law/ Recurring pattern in element's properties when arranged in order of increasing atomic number
  8. 17. mass/ Expressed in atomic units and is the mass of an atom of an chemical element
  9. 20. A neutral subatomic particle that is an essential part of almost every atomic nuclei and has no electrical charge
  1. 1. A family of the Periodic table that are brittle solids and gain electrons easily
  2. 2. A stable subatomic particle with charge of negative electricity
  3. 3. A family of the Periodic table which has properties such as being radioactive, being highly electropositive, and being very dense with a distinctive structure
  4. 4. gases/ A family of the Periodic table that have properties of being fairly nonreactive, having a complete valence shell, and a having a low boiling point
  5. 5. A family of the Periodic table that contains elements with the properties of having seven valence electrons, being highly reactive, and having very high electronegativitity
  6. 6. metals/ (known as group IA) A family of the Periodic table that has properties such as being very reactive, having one loosely bound valence electron, and being shiny
  7. 8. number/ A number that is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus and determines the place of an elements on the Periodic table
  8. 10. Vertical columns, and elements in these often have similar properties structures, and bonds
  9. 12. An abbreviation taken from the element's English or Latin name that is one or two letters
  10. 13. metals/ A family of the Periodic table with properties such as being fairly unreactive, having high melting and boiling points, and being good conductors of electricity
  11. 16. A stable subatomic particle that occurs in all atomic nuclei with a positive charge equal in magnitude to the unit of a electron charge
  12. 18. A family of the Periodic table which has properties such as being solid at room temperature
  13. 19. A horizontal row of the Periodic table, and in this row elements have the same energy level