- 2. nonmetals are on this side of the ziggzag line
- 4. This is in period 2 family 2
- 5. The symbol for this is N
- 8. The symbol for this is C
- 10. the ______ table
- 11. The symbol for this is Cl
- 13. This runs up like a tree on the periodic table
- 14. The _____ number
- 15. Some may have similar ___________
- 17. This runs across on the periodic table
- 18. The symbol for this is O
- 19. The ________ table
- 20. _____ represent the element
- 1. this seperates the table in to metals and nonmetals
- 3. metals are on this side of the ziggzag line
- 6. These are on the right side of the ziggzag line
- 7. The symbol for this is Na
- 9. These are on the left side of the ziggzag line
- 12. The symbol for this is H
- 16. The periodic table of______