Periodic Table Terms

  1. 3. bottom of bottom to rows taken out of the periodic table
  2. 9. Metals First group on the periodic table
  3. 10. a class of elements that are dull and a poor conductor of heat and electricity
  4. 11. vertical columns on the periodic table that tell you the valence electron number of an element
  5. 12. a class of elements that are malleable and is a good conductor of heat and electricity
  1. 1. the number of electrons in the outermost shell of an element
  2. 2. horizontal rows on the periodic table
  3. 4. Family that has the largest amounts of elements in it and are all metals
  4. 5. Earth Metals 2nd most reactive family on the periodic table
  5. 6. the most reactive family on the periodic table
  6. 7. Top of bottom two rows taken out of the periodic table
  7. 8. also known as inert gases and are unreactive