Periodic Table Trends

  1. 1. energy required to remove an electron to form an ion
  2. 5. the ability to be pulled into a wire
  3. 7. these elements touch the staircase line and are semiconductors
  4. 9. a negative ion (gain of electrons)
  5. 10. the vertical columns on the periodic table (tell us the number of valance electrons)
  6. 12. elements found in group 17 of the periodic table - the most reactive nonmetals
  7. 13. the horizontal rows on the periodic table (tell us the number of electron shells)
  8. 14. these lie to the left of the staircase line - are shiny and conduct electricity
  9. 17. removing an electron creates a ___________ ion
  10. 18. lie to the right of the staircase line - are dull and do not conduct electricity well
  11. 19. - the most common element in the universe
  12. 20. the ____________ together the charges are, the greater the effective nuclear charge
  13. 21. -these elements have a full octet and therefore do not readily react with other atoms
  14. 22. which has a smaller ionic radius? Br or Ni?
  15. 23. meaning to break when hammered
  1. 2. are all elements in group 1 of the periodic table (except for hydrogen)
  2. 3. these are very reactive atoms found in group 2 of the periodic table
  3. 4. - the size of a neutral atom
  4. 6. which element is more reactive; K or Fe?
  5. 8. outer shell electrons
  6. 11. to bend easily and have the ability to be hammered flat
  7. 15. the ability to attract electrons within a compound
  8. 16. this is the most electronegative element on the periodic table