Periodic Table

  1. 3. makes 65% of our body
  2. 4. gas/ also known as inert gases,family
  3. 7. have different numbers of neutrons
  4. 8. number/ # of protons + # of neutrons
  5. 9. at least 110 of these are known
  6. 10. found between the 2 types of metals
  7. 13. located in group 17 and it is a family
  8. 15. make very good conductors
  9. 16. structure/ only included outer most orbital
  10. 17. the number of valence electrons
  11. 18. mass/ number of neutrons
  1. 1. only element with 0 neutrons
  2. 2. rows that run east to west
  3. 5. electrons/number of the group
  4. 6. have a very dull look
  5. 11. the 1 or 2 letters that represent the element
  6. 12. metals/ all have 1 valence electron,family
  7. 14. earth metals/ located in group 2,family