Periodic Table

  1. 3. Noble gas with 22 neutrons
  2. 5. Period 3, Family 1
  3. 9. Symbol for Element Atomic Number 13
  4. 11. Family 1, except hydrogen
  5. 13. Halogen with 2e- 8e- 7e-
  6. 15. ___ has 2e- 8e- 8e- 1e-
  7. 17. some elements are liquid or gas
  8. 19. He organized the period table
  9. 21. Group/Family 8, Period 1
  10. 23. Shiny, solid & very reactive
  11. 25. 6 protons and 6 neutrons
  12. 26. Family #6, Period #3
  1. 1. I am a noble gas in Period 2
  2. 2. Horizontal Rows
  3. 4. Outermost orbit has ______ electrons
  4. 6. Boron and Silicon, etc.
  5. 7. has 17 protons and 18 neutrons
  6. 8. In nucleus, same # as Atomic #
  7. 10. Negative Charge found in orbit
  8. 12. Metalloid with 28.1 AMU
  9. 14. 12 neutrons and 24.3 AMU
  10. 15. 31.0 AMU & 2e- 8e- 5e-
  11. 16. All elements have 7 valence e-
  12. 18. Neutral Charge found in nucleus
  13. 20. Vertical columns are called _____
  14. 22. Element between Be & C
  15. 24. The first element in Alkali Metals