Periodic Table

  1. 2. Densest naturally occurring element.
  2. 5. Creator of this puzzle.
  3. 6. The only metallic element that is liquid at room temperature.
  4. 8. Element with the highest melting point.
  5. 11. There are one hundred and ___elements on the Periodic Table.
  6. 13. Element that exhibits an orange-red glow when placed in an electric field.
  7. 15. ___is the symbol for iron.
  8. 16. Mass of an atom or a molecule.
  9. 18. Element with the highest atomic number.
  1. 1. Latin for Gold.
  2. 2. Is used by most living organisms in order to live.
  3. 3. Elements are arranged in___.
  4. 4. Least reactive metal.
  5. 5. Least abundant element on Earth.
  6. 7. Sodium and___make up salt.
  7. 8. First element produced artificially.
  8. 9. The symbol N stands for___.
  9. 10. Element named after Albert Einstein.
  10. 12. Combines with Oxygen to form water.
  11. 14. Heaviest primordial element found in nature.
  12. 17. Most abundant noble gas in Earth's air.