Periodic table

  1. 3. the ionic radius of Na+ is __________(smaller/greater) than that of Na
  2. 6. an atom with the following valence electrons 1S1
  3. 10. form metal oxides in water
  4. 11. the type of force between protons and electrons
  5. 12. this non-metal atom has a greater atomic radius than chlorine but smaller atomic radius than tin, it is also found in shell fish
  6. 13. the group on the PT, of metals, which are highly reactive and exothermic in water
  7. 16. non-metal molecules containing two of the same atoms, normally found in gas form
  8. 17. increases from left to right and bottom to top of the PT
  9. 18. the reason why ions are formed in the first place
  10. 19. The group that changes from non-metal to metal down the group
  11. 20. this atom is more electronegative than phosphorus but less electronegative than oxygen
  12. 21. this non-metal atom, which forms an acid when combined with one hydrogen atom, has a greater Z than lithium, and is also found in the same period.
  13. 22. general name for a negatively charged ion
  14. 24. two valance electrons in shell 4s and three valance electrons in shell 3d
  15. 26. name of a row on the PT
  16. 27. these gasses have stable electron distributions and are unreactive
  17. 30. determines the atomic number
  1. 1. this atom is involved in stabilizing itself by taking one electron from its 4s shell and adding it to its 3d shell to fill it up completely
  2. 2. an ionically stabilised metal
  3. 4. the ionic radius of O2- is __________(smaller/greater) than that of O
  4. 5. the type of force between electrons
  5. 7. a metal that can be found in different oxidation states
  6. 8. the process of core electrons that block the attraction between the nucleus and valence electrons
  7. 9. the lowest amount of energy required by an atom to give off an electron
  8. 14. these atoms share both metal and non-metal properties
  9. 15. [Ar]4s2 3d10 4p5
  10. 23. this atom gives off electrons more readily than a 3- charged atom, it is larger in atom size and can exist in both positive and negative forms and is used to distinguish between organic and inorganic matter
  11. 25. the only metal in liquid form at room temperature
  12. 28. the group where metals that can exist in different oxidation states are
  13. 29. this atom’s AR is larger than that of hydrogen but smaller than the AR of caesium because higher energy levels have larger electron orbitals