  1. 1. Located in the nucleus with a positive charge
  2. 4. Only element that is liquid at room temperature
  3. 5. Group 17 on the periodic table
  4. 6. The 1st group on the periodic table
  5. 7. A crucial element in water and air
  6. 8. Located outside the nucleus with a negative charge
  7. 9. The diagram of atoms
  8. 10. This element can be considered an alkali metal or a halogen
  1. 1. A row on the periodic table
  2. 2. The 18th group on the periodic table
  3. 3. This element is lighter than air and can be found in balloons
  4. 6. Metals that make up group 2 on the periodic table
  5. 11. A column on the periodic table