Periodic Table

  1. 3. Makes a clanging sound (8)
  2. 6. An element with symbol W (8)
  3. 7. The state with the lowest density (3)
  4. 9. One of the two elements in water (6)
  5. 11. Cannot transmit heat and electricity (9)
  6. 12. An unreactive metal (4)
  7. 15. Another name for the Group 1 metals (6)
  8. 17. How reactive something is (10)
  9. 18. An element used in balloons (6)
  10. 19. Can be drawn into wires (7)
  11. 20. An element with symbol At (8)
  12. 22. An element with symbol Se (8)
  13. 23. An element with symbol C (6)
  1. 1. Can transmit heat and electricity (9)
  2. 2. A gas produced when metals react with acid (8)
  3. 4. A less reactive metal (4)
  4. 5. A row of elements (6)
  5. 8. The state with the highest density (5)
  6. 10. Can be hammered flat (9)
  7. 13. A group 1 element beginning with R… (8)
  8. 14. Another name for the Group 0 non-metals (5)
  9. 16. A group 2 element beginning with S… (9)
  10. 18. Another name for the Group 7 non-metals (7)
  11. 21. A column of elements (5)
  12. 22. A very reactive metal (6)