Periodic Table

  1. 3. You can get poisoned by it and its in a bullet.
  2. 4. Spoons and metal utensils are usually made from this.
  3. 7. Many metal things can be made out of it, brown color.
  4. 11. used in a nuclear power plant.
  5. 12. It is a precious metal used in jewelry (not gold).
  6. 14. Think of a Coca Cola can what is it made of?
  7. 16. Something that most foods contain, and is another word for salt.
  8. 17. count 8 letters into Alphabet. (capital) Then count 5 letters (lower case).
  9. 20. Without the ssium at the end, you add a to to the 4th and 5th letter to get potato.
  10. 21. Its what we breath.
  11. 22. In group 6 steely-gray, lustrous, hard metal.
  12. 27. In America it's the name of a 5cents coin.
  13. 28. It's in a Battery and in group 1.
  14. 29. It's a color and a precious metal.
  1. 1. A gray metal that is sometimes used for roofs.
  2. 2. Tooth paste has this in it.
  3. 4. Symbol is “S”
  4. 5. used in the production of colored television.
  5. 6. There was a movie that just came out “The Man with the fist.
  6. 8. Shi Huangdi is surrounded by it.
  7. 9. Something our bones contain.
  8. 10. 173 – 100 = (on the periodic table).
  9. 13. used in the production of steel (Flash light & Battery) on periodic table.
  10. 15. You put this in a pool to keep it clean.
  11. 18. is a metal mostly used for making small electronics.
  12. 19. essential in the human nutrition, my sister's name. (ask)
  13. 23. Extremely rare, one of the last elements to be discovered, (Camera).
  14. 24. It is found in a magnet.
  15. 25. you wear it when you want to be seen at night.
  16. 26. This is what x-rays contain