Periodic Table

  1. 3. Lights bluish when electricity passes through.
  2. 4. I am the 6th most common element on Earth.
  3. 8. I am in the fourth period, and I am poisonous
  4. 9. I take up about 21% of the air we breathe.
  5. 10. My atomic number is 94.
  6. 12. 8 most common element in Earth's Crust
  7. 14. My atomic number is 16.
  8. 15. My atomic mass is 121.76
  9. 17. I am in the Boron family, and in period 3
  10. 18. Named after the Norse god, Thor.
  11. 19. I make up 90% of the universe by weight.
  1. 1. When electricity runs through me, I turn red.
  2. 2. Million times more radioactive than Uranium
  3. 4. I am used a lot in cosmetic surgery.
  4. 5. My atomic weight is 65.38
  5. 6. Used the 'Little Boy' atomic bomb
  6. 7. My atomic number is 98.
  7. 11. Named after the American continent.
  8. 13. I was discovered in 1744 by Johan Gahn
  9. 16. I am present in diamonds as well as charcoal.