Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)_Checklist

  1. 4. Sensory nerve of face
  2. 7. A part of CNS
  3. 8. Motor nerve of lateral rectus muscle
  4. 10. Root/Trunk/Division/Cord/Termial branches
  5. 12. A structure receiving communication from other nerve cells
  6. 14. Control body
  7. 17. Cranial nerve XI
  8. 18. Nerve supply rectus femuris muscle
  9. 20. The functions of this nerve are involved in "Hearing and balance"
  10. 22. Nerve supply of diaphragm
  11. 24. next to the optic chiasma
  12. 26. This nerve is related to "foot drop"
  13. 27. Injury to this nerve leads to "Claw hand syndrome"
  1. 1. The function of this nerve is to control movement of tongue
  2. 2. This nerve is a part of sciatic nerve
  3. 3. This nerve receives special sensation from posterior 1/3 tongue
  4. 5. Nerve supply of Deltoid
  5. 6. Compression of this nerve possible results in the carpal tunnel syndrome
  6. 9. Nerve supply of Biceps brachii
  7. 11. Involuntary action
  8. 13. A neuronal junction
  9. 15. Nerve supply of superior oblique muscle
  10. 16. This nerve receives special sensation from anterior 2/3 tongue
  11. 19. Bigest nerve
  12. 20. Nerve supply of many internal organs
  13. 21. Nerve supply of the levator palpebrae muscle
  14. 23. This nerve is related to "wrist drop"
  15. 24. Located at base of the forebrain
  16. 25. 12 pairs of nerves
  17. 28. A portion of a nerve cell