- 3. Hade's favorite color
- 4. Hades job is to sort the ________.
- 7. In order to grant immortality Demeter roasted the __________.
- 9. Hades made a __________ for Persephone
- 10. fruit that Persephone ate in the underworld
- 12. Hade's ride that he kidnaps with
- 14. Titan who saw the kidnapping
- 15. Persephone's chaperones
- 17. Titan of magic & witches
- 19. Persephone's mom
- 1. Zeus's older brother
- 2. place where Zeus lives
- 5. Underworld gardener
- 6. Hades kingdom
- 8. Queen Metaneira's new son
- 11. The myth of Persephone explains the ___________.
- 13. Hade's bronze weapon
- 16. Persephone's dad
- 18. Queen Metaneira's kingdom