Personal Fitness

  1. 2. At least 3 times a week
  2. 4. The volume of blood pumped out of the heart with each contraction
  3. 10. This type of muscle includes muscles which move the body (i.e. biceps, triceps, quads, etc).
  4. 11. The artery in the neck where you take your pulse
  5. 12. 60% to 85% of your maximum heart rate (MHR)
  6. 14. This type of muscle is found in the intestines
  7. 15. "With oxygen"
  1. 1. "Without oxygen"
  2. 3. There are ____ types of muscle in the body
  3. 5. An aerobic workout needs to be at least ___ minutes in duration
  4. 6. The heart consists of _____ muscle
  5. 7. Aerobic or anaerobic
  6. 8. Exercises which include swimming, running, cycling
  7. 9. The __ __ __ __ principle is used by trainer's to design fitness programs for their clients
  8. 13. How long your workout lasts (duration)
  9. 16. The pulse in the wrist