Personal Health

  1. 2. stong heated container used for chemical reactions
  2. 7. first aid procedure to treat upper airway obstuctions
  3. 9. a place where trash fills the earth
  4. 10. atmospheric layer that blocks ultraviolet light from the sun
  5. 11. procedure combining chest compressions with artificial ventilation
  6. 12. agent to destroy pests
  1. 1. doctor that specializes in skin disorders
  2. 3. the process where radiation heats the earth to a higher temperature
  3. 4. person who has detailed knowledge in one subject
  4. 5. rain with high levels of hydrogen ion
  5. 6. CPR without mouth to mouth breaths
  6. 8. a group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood
  7. 13. nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed causing seizures