Personal Hygiene

  1. 2. These need regular washing to maintain hygiene, even without visible dirt
  2. 4. Effective practice to prevent the spread of germs
  3. 9. - Made of keratin and recommended to be kept short
  4. 11. Can cause odor when breaking down sweat
  5. 12. Recommended to use this when sneezing to prevent the spread of illness
  6. 15. Alternative to handwashing when soap and water are unavailable
  1. 1. Refers to menstrual hygiene and the products associated with it
  2. 3. This type of hygiene impacts dental and overall health
  3. 5. Product used to mask body odor
  4. 6. Practices that help maintain health and prevent disease
  5. 7. Helps protect your skin, especially in dry climates
  6. 8. Spread by touching unwashed hands to the face
  7. 10. Essential product used with water for cleaning hands and body
  8. 13. Important routine for full body cleaning
  9. 14. Daily practice to maintain oral health