Personal Hygiene

  1. 2. I always use this when I wash my hands, body, or hair.
  2. 4. This is a must everyday or two, and always after a rigorous sports practice.
  3. 6. I do this especially before eating and after using the bathroom, sneezing, or playing with pets.
  4. 7. I keep this neat by styling and brushing.
  5. 9. Taking care of my body gives me _______-_________.
  6. 12. Always get your __________ so you can be the best you can be.
  7. 13. I clean these often so I don't get wax in them.
  1. 1. I trim these often to keep them short and clean.
  2. 3. Do this to avoid gingivitis, cavities, and bad breath.
  3. 5. I put on clean clothes everyday, especially this!
  4. 8. I never do this into my hands. I use a tissue whenever possible.
  5. 10. I use this once a day to remove food from between my teeth.
  6. 11. Keeping my body ______is an important part of being healthy.