Personal safety in the community

  1. 1. Find a _______ to cross the road.
  2. 4. Report the theft to the_______.
  3. 7. Never talk to ___________.
  4. 10. Use a_____________ if possible when crossing the road
  5. 14. It is a _______ to steal.
  1. 2. If you get your money stolen tell an
  2. 3. Drugs are very bad for your ___________.
  3. 5. Do not take __________ off anyone.
  4. 6. If there are ___________ cross at these.
  5. 8. If you miss the bus phone______ and tell them you are going to be late.
  6. 9. If you get lost ask a _________________
  7. 11. Tell someone if you are being _____________.
  8. 12. Bullying must________
  9. 13. Do not get into a ______ with a stranger.