
  1. 5. =Likes to be active and often plays sports.
  2. 8. =Describes how someone is or how someone acts.
  3. 9. =Helpful, caring, and wanting to do things that make other people happy.
  4. 10. =Doesn't like to work hard.
  5. 11. =Does things to help other people.
  1. 1. =Someone who isn't lazy, but tries to finish everything.
  2. 2. =Quick at learning and understanding things.
  3. 3. =Likes to give orders to other people.
  4. 4. =Behaves in a nice way like a friend.
  5. 5. =Nervous or afraid to be with other people.
  6. 6. =T. Dallas loves this.
  7. 7. =Someone who likes to talk a lot.