- 3. NOUN; A one-piece garment.
- 5. NOUN; A broad piece of fabric, worn around the neck.
- 6. NOUN; A warmer outer garment worn over your clothes.
- 9. ADJECTIVE; Wearied; suffering from ennui.
- 10. ADJECTIVE; Arising or proceeding entirely form natural impulse.
- 12. NOUN; An ornamental chain or string of jewels, worn around the neck.
- 14. NOUN; A one-piece garment extending over the legs into a skirt.
- 1. NOUN; Set of clothes selected or designed to be worn together.
- 2. NOUN; Garment covering the body from the waist to the ankles.
- 4. ADJECTIVE; Exactly observant of the time agreed.
- 6. ADJECTIVE; Full of assurance.
- 7. NOUN; A covering for the hands; PLURAL.
- 8. ADJECTIVE; Done with or expressive of truthfulness, fairness or integrity.
- 11. ADJECTIVE; Characterised by having or displaying passion.
- 13. ADJECTIVE; Strongly audible.