
  1. 4. Eggs might be made from this
  2. 7. You might do this to eggs for Easter
  3. 9. In the backyard, the kids are having an Easter Egg __
  4. 10. The Easter ____ hops around the world and delivers presents
  5. 11. April showers bring May ____
  6. 12. A pretty hat worn on Easter
  1. 1. Don't eat too much of this or you may get a belly ache
  2. 2. Colourful candy you may find in an Easter basket
  3. 3. Easter's season
  4. 5. Look for eggs
  5. 6. The hen's baby
  6. 7. Used to colour eggs
  7. 8. A hen makes this
  8. 10. What the Easter Bunny brings