  1. 4. ready to take offense on the slightest provocation, overly sensitive or irritable
  2. 7. subject to depression, temperamental, gloomy
  3. 9. sociable, tending to enjoy the company of others
  4. 10. unyielding, resolute, obstinate
  5. 12. guided by a strong sense of right and wrong, taking or showing great care and effort, diligent
  6. 13. a tendency to be guided more by wishful thinking or what could be rather than by reality
  7. 17. possessing a clever sense of humor or irony
  8. 20. having a tendency to be guided more by sentimental, unrealistic notions
  9. 22. having many uses, skills or applications
  10. 23. able to meet challenging situations able to devise ways and means to solve problems
  11. 25. acting quickly, without forethought or consideration
  12. 26. rude, impolite, undiplomatic, indiscreet
  13. 27. willing to see things as they really are and deal with them sensibly
  14. 29. open-minded, not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, traditions or established forms or ways
  15. 31. tendency to brag or praise one’s own merits, achievements, virtues etc.
  16. 32. having or showing a selfish desire for wealth and possessions
  17. 34. able to express oneself in words clearly and effectively
  18. 35. highly responsive or susceptible, easily hurt or damaged keenly aware of the attitudes and feelings of others
  19. 36. given to expressing opinions very strongly and emphatically as if they were indisputable facts
  1. 1. having or marked by a strong desire to win or be better than others, determined & hard-driving
  2. 2. not having or showing any feelings of superiority, self-assertiveness, or showiness. Unassuming, unpretentious
  3. 3. extremely delightful, appealing, enchanting or seductive
  4. 5. disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions, traditional, marked by moderation or caution
  5. 6. receptive to arguments or ideas with which one may not necessarily agree
  6. 8. unprincipled, unethical or immoral
  7. 11. not being or expressing what one appears to be or expresses
  8. 14. having a strong desire for personal advancement, showing a bold forcefulness in the pursuit of a goal
  9. 15. full of good spirits, merry, a tendency to dispel gloom or worry, gay, upbeat
  10. 16. a tendency to be querulous, crabby and to complain a lot
  11. 18. tending toward or exhibiting a readiness for combat, assertive, forceful
  12. 19. capable of being put to use or account, tending to be utilitarian, or useful
  13. 21. tends to separate things into their component parts or constituent elements
  14. 24. having no pity, merciless, cruel
  15. 28. disposed to show tender feelings and kindness towards others
  16. 30. dependable, responsible & trustworthy
  17. 33. able to endure hardship, pain or frustration calmly or without complaint