- 3. What we want to say to Jay and Huti
- 5. "smell this, smell this"
- 6. Board game champions
- 7. Cost of artikim according to Gilad
- 9. M is for Maaglan and for...
- 13. Can read in the sun without sunglasses
- 15. Meet you there on Shabbat and Chag
- 18. From Teaneck to Tel Aviv
- 21. We learned to sing "Who knows One' in this language
- 23. The first one to 'marry in' of the next generation
- 28. Parsit yet doesn't eat rice on Pesach
- 29. First cousin to have a Pesach birthday
- 31. Charlie and Dalit's favorite redhead
- 33. Double jointed elbows
- 34. Pomrenze daughter /local river
- 35. Rollers
- 37. Meron
- 38. Used to cry when we left Kfar Blum
- 42. Halachik authority where you can rent bikes
- 43. ...banana peel
- 45. Jay's least favorite Pesach activity
- 47. Becoming Savta and Poppy
- 48. Eitan's ideal Pesach destination
- 50. Last day of Chol Hamoed activity
- 52. "Ein Situation"
- 53. Davens, bikes and does some work all before breakfast
- 54. Need something taken care of? She is your woman!
- 1. We never leave
- 2. Went to space camp one summer
- 4. Spiderman fan? Check his kippa!
- 8. The number of times we left for a tiyul on time
- 10. The 'Sephardi' brothers
- 11. Is it a.....?
- 12. Star flower girl at Cheli and Yoni's wedding
- 14. Asked if we would 'mind' sitting in a private room!
- 16. Loves Hip Hop
- 17. Elisheva shows up to this without children - awkward!
- 19. #LittleLeybo
- 20. His dream was to be in Salt Lake City
- 22. Tallest person in the room
- 23. Youngest Pomrenze grandchild
- 24. Rikudei Am superstar
- 25. For the best dining experience
- 26. Etan's favorite night activity
- 27. Gaia's old nickname
- 30. Rastafarian violinist
- 31. Most successful rainy day activity
- 32. Declares in advance that she is not joining us on tiyulim
- 36. Sewed her own bat mitzvah dress
- 39. Enjoys taking involuntary foot baths
- 40. Frightens Etan
- 41. One of the two family members whose name is a fruit
- 44. Irresponsible tiyul planner
- 46. What we liked making Daniella eat when she was a baby
- 49. Played endless card games with the kids even before officially becoming part of the family
- 51. There are two of them