Pet Blessings

  1. 1. cutest insurance spokescritter, and eats household bugs
  2. 4. loves so freely it is a backward way to remind us of God's great love
  3. 8. this muddy pet reminds us to Fully Rely on God before we croak
  4. 9. so exotic you hardly see these quiet cold-blooded monsters in northern climes
  5. 10. Queen Elizabeth's favorite dogs
  6. 11. a great big furry saint of saving
  1. 2. purrtiest of pets
  2. 3. not as cuddly as furry pets, but the gold standard for quiet pets
  3. 5. some are from Labrador, some are golden, some yellow or black
  4. 6. the cheepest of all pets
  5. 7. stars with a hound in a famous movie