Pet Food

  1. 3. discarded organic materials produced from the raising of plants and animals
  2. 5. any substance that a living creature's body breaks down to support life
  3. 6. break down (food) in the digestive system into substances that can be absorbed and used by the body
  4. 7. _____________ daily allowances
  5. 8. group of compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities
  6. 10. the way that ingredients are listed are based on decreasing __________
  7. 12. must be offered fresh daily
  8. 13. nutrients are present in the correct proportions to each other and to the dietary calories
  9. 15. the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth
  10. 16. very overweight
  1. 1. means that the diet contains all the required nutrients
  2. 2. person who studies or is an expert in nutrition
  3. 3. biologically appropriate raw food
  4. 4. the nutrient profile found on the back of the bag or can
  5. 7. is an off-site process that uses heat to convert animal carcasses into safe, pathogen-free feed protein
  6. 9. individual who started the first commercial dog food
  7. 11. chicken, lamb, fish meal, and beef
  8. 14. Association of American Feed Control Officials