Pet Play Paradise

  1. 2. equine persona/identity used in petplay.
  2. 3. canine persona/identity used in petplay.
  3. 6. a term for a pet's Dom, usually high protocol.
  4. 8. a pet that follows rules at all times.
  5. 11. sound made by a feline pet.
  6. 12. sound made by an equine pet.
  7. 14. accessory used to lead pets around.
  8. 17. sound made by a canine pet.
  9. 19. put on top of some pets to ride them.
  10. 20. where a pet may sleep, rest, or go for punishment.
  1. 1. neck accessory symbolizing ownership or play in a dynamic.
  2. 4. cats and dogs have these instead of feet.
  3. 5. feline persona/identity used in petplay.
  4. 7. an accessory to wag, twirl, and pull.
  5. 8. general title given to a Dom with a pet submissive.
  6. 9. head accessory for petplayers.
  7. 10. skills taught to pets such as jumping or barking on command.
  8. 13. worn to obstruct view, or as an accessory to show pet-like features.
  9. 15. horsies have these instead of feet.
  10. 16. a reward given to good pets.
  11. 18. feisty pets bare these sharp teeth when angry.