Pet Types

  1. 3. A slow-moving reptile often kept as a pet in aquariums or outdoor enclosures.
  2. 4. Playful and curious carnivorous mammals known for their slender bodies and playful antics.
  3. 5. A gentle and herbivorous mammal known for its long ears and hopping gait.
  4. 7. A group of reptiles, including geckos and iguanas, kept as pets for their diverse characteristics.
  5. 9. Crab Small crustaceans that inhabit empty shells, making them interesting and low-maintenance pets.
  6. 10. Feathered creatures that come in various species, known for their songs and colorful plumage.
  7. 12. Small, nocturnal rodents often kept in cages as low-maintenance pets.
  8. 13. A loyal and friendly domesticated animal known for its companionship and varied breeds.
  1. 1. Playful and curious carnivorous mammals known for their slender bodies and playful antics.
  2. 2. Pig A docile rodent that makes a great pet due to its small size and friendly demeanor.
  3. 3. Large, hairy spiders that are kept by some enthusiasts as exotic pets.
  4. 6. A reptile often kept as an exotic pet, varying in size, color, and temperament.
  5. 8. Small aquatic creatures kept in aquariums, adding beauty and tranquility to living spaces.
  6. 9. Small, spiky mammals that are becoming popular pets due to their unique appearance.
  7. 11. An independent and playful feline often kept as a pet for its affection and hunting skills.