Peter & John Heal a Lame Man

  1. 2. The lame man asked for this at the temple gate (Acts 3:3)
  2. 3. The book of the Bible this story is recorded in
  3. 6. Peter and John healed the man in this person's name (Acts 3:6)
  4. 7. The name of the gate where the cripple sat each day to beg (Acts 3:2)
  5. 9. This story is found in the book of
  6. 10. The other apostle who, with Peter, spoke to the beggar (Acts 3:1)
  7. 11. What Peter encouraged the people to do in Acts 3:19
  8. 14. What the healed man did through the temple (Acts 3:8)
  9. 15. The place where Peter and John were going to pray (Acts 3:1)
  1. 1. This story is found in the ___ Testament
  2. 2. The prophet Peter refers to when speaking to the crowd, affirming that Jesus was the fulfillment of prophecy (Acts 3:22)
  3. 4. What Peter said about their material possessions to the lame man ("I have no ___ or gold") (Acts 3:6)
  4. 5. Peter said to the lame man "rise up and ___" (Acts 3:6)
  5. 7. The lame man had been unable to walk since the day he was ___ (Acts 3:2)
  6. 8. The lame man was carried here every day to beg (Acts 3:2)
  7. 12. The time of day Peter and John went to pray, the "___ hour" (Acts 3:1)
  8. 13. The religious leaders were disturbed by the apostles' message and threw them in ___ (Acts 4:3)