Peter Sews Kindness

  1. 2. ACTS 9:42: This became known all over Joppa, and many people ________________ in the Lord.
  2. 5. Tabitha/Dorcas was known for being a ___________________.
  3. 7. Where did Peter meet Tabitha/Dorcas?
  4. 8. ACTS 9:35: All those who lived in Lydda and _________________ saw him and turned to the Lord.
  1. 1. What was the name of the man who had been paralyzed for 8 years?
  2. 3. Where did Peter meet the paralyzed man?
  3. 4. Who did Peter live with when he stayed in Joppa?
  4. 6. Before turning to the dead woman and telling her to get up what did Peter do?