
  1. 3. transform a person into a constellation
  2. 6. oil from rocks
  3. 8. process of making into stone
  4. 11. one who gets knowledge from stars
  5. 12. one who names the stars
  6. 13. between the stars
  7. 18. star shaped
  8. 19. star sailor
  9. 20. pertaining to stars
  10. 21. rock carving
  11. 23. star
  1. 1. girl's name meaning star
  2. 2. separation from good influence of friendly stars
  3. 4. group of stars
  4. 5. hard, stone like, rocky
  5. 7. star fish
  6. 8. writing about rocks
  7. 9. star shaped flower
  8. 10. made into stone
  9. 11. covered stadium where sports stars perform
  10. 14. girl's name meaning little star
  11. 15. instrument for looking at the stars
  12. 16. pertaining to a star
  13. 17. name which means "reliable, like a rock"
  14. 20. in the form of a star
  15. 22. rock, stone