
  1. 1. A furry, independent animal that's known for purring and chasing after toys.
  2. 3. A soft, cuddly animal that's known for hopping and nibbling on vegetables.
  3. 7. Crab A tiny crab that lives in a shell, often kept as a low-maintenance pet.
  4. 9. A slithery reptile with scales, some of which are kept as pets, like the ball python.
  5. 10. A popular pet fish often kept in aquariums, known for its shiny scales and graceful swimming.
  6. 11. Pig A small, squeaky pet that enjoys being petted and munching on hay.
  7. 13. A scaly reptile, like the bearded dragon, that can be a fascinating pet.
  8. 14. Feathered creatures that can sing and fly, like parrots or canaries.
  1. 2. A slow-moving reptile with a hard shell that lives both in water and on land.
  2. 4. A hairy spider often kept as a pet by people who find them intriguing.
  3. 5. Small animals that live underwater in tanks or ponds, known for their colorful scales.
  4. 6. A small, fluffy rodent that's easy to care for and fun to watch in a cage.
  5. 8. A friendly and loyal animal often kept as a companion and known for wagging its tail.
  6. 11. A small, active rodent that enjoys running on a wheel in its cage.
  7. 12. A playful, curious animal similar to a small, slinky weasel.