
  1. 1. Scottish Terrier Guardian
  2. 3. Zombie Lawyer
  3. 4. Cowgirl
  4. 7. Couldn't Spell His Name
  5. 9. Police Office Ranking Below Inspector
  6. 10. Ginger Girl Not Amelia Pond
  7. 13. Looking for Alien Smarts
  8. 14. Merry's Cousin and Friend
  9. 15. Shortbus of Darkness
  10. 16. Tom Hiddleston
  11. 17. I Am Who I Hunt
  1. 2. Mouse with Red Bow
  2. 5. Olivia Coleman From Peep Show
  3. 6. The Fox and The Hound
  4. 8. Engineer Who Wears Green
  5. 9. The Faithful
  6. 11. Shade of Blue
  7. 12. Small Bites
  8. 13. Crocodile
  9. 18. Transylvania