
  1. 1. Where Arya goes when I'm driving (She's trying to kill me)
  2. 4. Mr Allergy Boy
  3. 5. She is 8 years old somehow
  4. 7. I call Luka gay cause he loves going in here
  5. 8. Arya's favorite past time activity
  6. 10. The rat
  7. 11. What Arya tries to do anytime she sees a dog 3x her size
  8. 12. Luka's favorite place to escape to
  1. 2. Luka will destroy all of these on sight
  2. 3. Where all of Luka's litter goes when he uses the box
  3. 6. What Arya does when she sees Morgan
  4. 9. What breed of pig is Eliza?