
  1. 3. we have skin, animals have this
  2. 5. continue having something
  3. 6. something that you want
  4. 7. attractive and endearing
  5. 9. run away
  6. 12. all over the place
  7. 13. feeling happy
  8. 14. a kept animal
  9. 15. condition when animals need food
  10. 17. can't relax because too many things to do
  11. 18. gave food to animals
  1. 1. get a hold of
  2. 2. baby dog
  3. 4. cats have these around their mouth
  4. 5. baby cat
  5. 8. mouse look-alike
  6. 10. a place to keep animals
  7. 11. beautiful or enjoyable
  8. 16. bite