
  1. 2. is slow
  2. 3. has spots
  3. 4. walks underwater
  4. 7. howls at the moon
  5. 9. can be ridden
  6. 11. elephant has a trunk
  7. 15. eats ants
  8. 17. is black and white
  9. 18. has long neck
  10. 19. is small and they are workers
  1. 1. lives in water
  2. 5. sleep in the day and hunt at night
  3. 6. lives in trees
  4. 8. is colored
  5. 10. is elongated and crawls
  6. 12. is a predatory animal
  7. 13. has sonar to be able to orient itself
  8. 14. speaks
  9. 16. has stripes