
  1. 2. I live in an aquarium.
  2. 6. I am a furry mammal that likes carrots.
  3. 7. I have a shell.
  4. 8. I am a rodent that takes dust baths.
  5. 9. I live in a cage.
  6. 14. I am long like a snake, but furry.
  7. 15. I bark.
  1. 1. I am a baby cat.
  2. 3. My shell is my home.
  3. 4. I live in a farm.
  4. 5. I am a baby dog.
  5. 10. I slither and have scales.
  6. 11. I am a small reptile.
  7. 12. I tweet and sing.
  8. 13. I meow.
  9. 14. I ribbit and eat flies.