
  1. 3. the smallest bunny we've had
  2. 4. Madi's bunny who followed the murderer into the hay
  3. 6. The only fish we have ever owned
  4. 8. Madi's cat when we lived in Minersville
  5. 9. Ty's cat when we lived in Minersville
  6. 10. Kate' sassy lop bunny
  7. 11. Madi's child
  8. 12. James' bunny
  1. 1. James's cat when we lived in Minersville
  2. 2. The sadistic, murderous bunny who has laid waist to the haystack
  3. 4. Ty's bunny who ran away from home
  4. 5. Who is the first dog we have owned
  5. 7. The only black cat we've owned
  6. 9. The smallest dog we have owned