
  1. 4. - Domesticated carnivorous mammal
  2. 5. - Small, social, omnivorous mammal often kept as a pet
  3. 8. - Arachnid with eight legs and two body parts.
  4. 11. - Long-bodied, legless reptile often kept as a pet
  5. 12. - Slow-moving reptile with a shell, often kept as a pet
  6. 14. - Small, fast-running, burrowing mammal often kept as a pet
  7. 15. - Pig-sized rodent often kept as a pet
  8. 16. - Warm-blooded, feathered vertebrate
  1. 1. - Large, hoofed mammal used for riding and transportation
  2. 2. - Colorful, vocal bird often kept as a pet
  3. 3. - Small, burrowing mammal often kept as a pet
  4. 6. - Cold-blooded aquatic vertebrate
  5. 7. - Soft-furred, herbivorous mammal often kept as a pet
  6. 9. - Domestic carnivorous mammal
  7. 10. - Amphibian with moist skin and long hind legs
  8. 13. - Scaly-skinned, cold-blooded reptile often kept as a pet