
  1. 1. Not ususally kept as pets, except by floridians.
  2. 4. A pet that stays in a terrarium and moves an inch a second
  3. 6. A pet that you can ride
  4. 7. A playful and Loyal pet
  5. 8. Aww!! Teensy little skrunkly! Same as it is in english
  6. 10. A small, long eared pet
  7. 11. A pet that likes eating fish
  1. 2. A pet that swims around and does nothing
  2. 3. Not really a pet, but tastes great!
  3. 4. A pet to go great along with your eggs!
  4. 5. A pet that you will get your breakfast from
  5. 9. A pet that will repeat after you