
  1. 2. Reptiles with shells that move slowly and live in water or on land.
  2. 7. Tiny creatures with long tails that are known for being quick and curious.
  3. 8. pig Small and adorable animals that enjoy being petted and make cute sounds.
  4. 10. Slithery reptiles that come in different colors and patterns.
  5. 12. Soft and gentle animals that hop around and have long ears.
  1. 1. Furry and playful animals that can be trained and love to explore.
  2. 3. A friendly and playful animal that is often kept as a companion at home.
  3. 4. Majestic animals that can be ridden and are often seen in farms.
  4. 5. Colorful creatures that live in water and can be kept in a tank or pond.
  5. 6. Small and furry creatures that love to run on wheels and hide in tunnels.
  6. 9. A cute and independent animal that likes to cuddle and is good at catching mice.
  7. 11. Cool animals with scaly skin that can change colors and climb trees.
  8. 13. Feathered animals that can fly and sometimes mimic human speech.